Importance of Online Store and Facebook Marketing in Sri Lanka

In 2019 businesses in Sri Lanka going towards online and focusing on their social media marketing, Which is an influential tool to target the customers.

Facebook marketing is an essential marketing option for online businesses and more than 6 million people are actively using Facebook in Sri Lanka.

These days it is essential to have a website for a business, It is a must-have tool to build trust among customers. Thousands of customers using search engines before contacting a business or even before making a purchase. A research done by Statista shows, over 2 billion people are assumed to buy goods and services online by the year 2019. So, having genuine content on your website is essential so that your website acts as your main marketing tool. Also, Facebook marketing helps businesses to keep their business in front of their customers. It is one of the main reason, why a business should be on social media.

Many businesses in Sri Lanka maintain only Facebook pages without having a website. Still, they use the Facebook ad to boost their contents. When a customer clicks through an ad and reaches your page, the first thing is customers will use to check for the website of the business. At this point having a website is a huge advantage. Research has found that 6/10 customers expect brands to have content online about their business.

In 2015 a survey conducted by Verisign reported that 84% customers believe that businesses with websites are more credible than ones without an online presence. By combining Facebook marketing with your website can improve the growth of the business. Using Facebook tools, a business can retarget the customers who visited their website or retarget them with offers and promotion to increase the sales.

With a website, a business able to know their customer base by integrating it with analytics tools like google analytics and Facebook analytics. With these data, a business can understand more about their customers like age, gender, and customer’s geological location and use them in future marketing and improve the products and services. Many online businesses do not have enough time to study the market and use those data to improve their business since they focus more on the customer service. If you are looking for anyone to manage your social media account or do your business’s Facebook marketing in Sri Lanka or web design in Sri Lanka contact us  through our website, we will manage your Facebook marketing or design you a standard modern website which will benefit your business.

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